Four Ways To Apply Mindfulness With The Fish Philosophy

Four Ways To Apply Mindfulness With The Fish Philosophy

Buddhist psychology and mindfulness have a rich history. Mindfulness training is perhaps one of the most practical and rewarding features of Buddhism, and can be easily adapted to anyone’s life, regardless of religious belief. More on mindfulness in a bit. The third truth is just the conclusion of the syllogism presented in the first two Mindfulness for work. Mindfulness is especially helpful in today’s workplace, which some call the “attention economy.” To make sense of an increasing flood of information, awareness and focus are critical skills in making informed decisions. Here are four FISH! Philosophy tips to bring more mindful moments to your work day: 1. The major confusion of human life is that we imagine ourselves to be the subject of the stories the mind tells continuously. Those tales, fabricated from things seen and heard, may be wild and exciting or slow and dull, but either way we get lost, and then the stress begins.

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